Domestic Bliss - Home Planner Set Up
February 08 2019 – My Carpe Diem Admin

Keeping the house clean at all times with 3 kids is not easy. Doing laundry is even worse. Imagine all the clothes one person wears in a week multiply that by 5. My 3 old daughter probably goes through the most clothes in a week more than any of us in the house.
Setting up my planner using the Home Insert Set makes me want to clean the house. I chose the Robin's Egg A5 planner which goes perfectly well with all the soft colors.
If only Alexa can clean the house, we'd all be buying one or two. That would be so awesome. Don't you think so?
I normally decorate my planner pockets with lots of bits & pieces, clips and journaling cards. I would then tuck in some stickers to the large side pockets as decor and I can also easily grab them when I'm ready to decorate new pages.
You can see here I've made a washi tape holder and stuck it in the large side pockets with the stickers. This way I don't have to carry the whole roll of washi tapes with me.
Once I finished decorating my pockets, I will then start creating my dashboard. I went through the journaling cards and pattern paper to see which ones I want to use. I decided to go with the card with the quote "The house was clean last week. Sorry you missed it" - I thought this quote was perfect because this is exactly how I feel, especially after the end of the week.
I layered different pattern papers and added the house and broom bits & pieces to finish my dashboard.
The fun part was filling out the daily schedule as I delegate chores to my 2 boys.
Here is an up close picture which features the Home stamp I used.
I also have a "To Do" section. I used the To Do bookmark tablet to list items that needs to be done such as groceries.
Where is the maid at?
The traveler's notebook insert fits perfectly at the very back of the A5 planner tucked in the side pocket. I can use this for list, journaling, adding photos with memory keeping and many more.
The Home sticker tablet has so many elements that I can use to fill up the whole planner.
I used the Home A5 Planner Inserts in which the label stickers are included to customize your tabs. I chose "Chores" "Family" "To Do" "Schedule" "Lists" and "Projects"
Now onto cleaning my craft room mess - "Alexa clean my craft room"!!
Don't you think having a Home planner motivates you to clean the house more often? Thank you for stopping by and what are you waiting for? Start setting up your Home planner. I would love to see what you'd come up with.