He's Ready To Say Cheese!
May 24 2019 – My Carpe Diem Admin

Hiya, it’s Emma with you today, and I’d like to show you what I’ve put together for my little boy, Jack! For his birthday we are taking him to EuroDisney, so I wanted to use the Say Cheese Collection to make a memory tn for him to fill out!
Jack definitely takes after me, he’s into getting crafty in a big way! He’s asked for a camera for his birthday, so he can take lots of photos of his adventures at Disney!
I have put together this TN as a ‘starter’ for him to journal all his memories! I’ve decorated the pockets really simply with scraps of paper and some chipboard pieces...oh and I’ve also popped a couple of the gorgeous bow paperclips in there too!!
I’ve made covers for the inserts, super easy, just cutting out 12x12 paper to fit neatly around the insert and decorating with some of the fabulous cards from the ‘Snap pack’
Each insert I’ve left the pages blank, so that jack can decide how he’d like to set each one out, maybe one for photos, one for journaling each day of his holiday, there’s so many uses for Travellers notebooks, that’s why I love them!!
I haven’t gone overboard with decorating as I’m wanting Jack to be able to add his own ‘style’! ...but hey, I couldn’t leave the covers blank, now could I!! ;)
I can’t wait to see how jack fills this memory tn up, there’s certainly plenty of ephemera, stickers, puffy stickers...and so much more, for him to go wild with!!
Disney!...here we come!! Whooop Whoop!!
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