How To Set Up A Gardening Journal!
July 08 2019 – My Carpe Diem Admin

Hey there my friends! Flowers, Sunshine and a Watering Can in my hand make my heart sing! How about you? It’s one of the many things I absolutely love about Springtime, Summertime and Fall!
This year I decided to create a set of three Gardening TN’s to record my gardening each year! I hope it inspires you to create your own!
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.
-Alfred Austin
I chose the gorgeous Typewriter Floral TN to house my gardening TN set. I think it compliments it beautifully!
Seeing the fruit of my labor in the garden while sitting on the front porch enjoying a cold glass of lemonade, under a clear blue sky…. is sheer perfection!
In this First TN I created, I’ll be logging each season’s current gardening plots with actual photos.
The most obvious reason being……
If you’re like me … lol! You forget what you’ve planted and what’s gonna’ be growing back the next season! Also this is a great way to keep tabs on what does and doesn’t grow well in your garden!
I’ll also be including a plant hardiness map in the front
For a plant hardiness zone map just follow this link and put in your zip code!
So whether you’re growing a vegetable garden, a small herb garden, filling flower pots on your front porch or creating a large landscape garden.. a gardening TN can help keep you on task!
My Second TN will be my log journal.
When did I last fertilize? What did I transplant and where did I put it? Did I sprinkle Miracle Grow this month? How much am I spending? What seeds did I plant? (I include the actual seed packet, front and back in this TN too!)
The purpose of this section is to have a running log of everything you do in your garden!
A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.
-Liberty Hyde Bailey
In my third TN I’ll write my favorite gardening quotes with art work that I come upon all season!
I’ll also include sketches of ideas I’d like to implement for future gardening
I created these three cards to go along with each TN to mark my place.
Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
-Luther Burbank
In Summary
TN One = Current Gardening plots and photos
TN Two = Running log book
TN Three = Favorite Gardening Quotes and sketches for new ideas
TN Four? How about an actual monthly insert to log weather, harvest and planting schedules!
Would love to hear what has inspired you from this blog as well as some of your own creative ideas and inspirations.
Until next time my friend! Creative Blessings to YOU!
Oh and be sure to subscribe to my You Tube Channel and Instagram account! LINKS below!
Here’s the link to subscribe: HERE
Thanks for sharing some of your time with me again today! I’d love to hear what you thought of this post. Any question you may have, or thoughts on what inspired you!
Don’t forget to Come say hello on Instagram while you’re still here in cyber world
Have a great day!
Laura Daniels