Oh Happy Day Sprial for A Work Planner!

August 14 2019 – My Carpe Diem Admin

Oh Happy Day Sprial for A Work Planner!
Oh Happy Day Sprial for A Work Planner!
Hey there my friends!  Have you ever thought of adding another planner to your line-up that’s just for work?  I have and absolutely love how it keeps me focused! 

“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.” 
Gloria Steinem

I have several planners in my current line-up!

  1. Home
  2. Work
  3. Social media
  4. Gratitude Journal
  5. Goals and Dreams planner

When I saw the “Oh Happy Day” Spiral by Carpe Diem, I knew it would be perfect for my current job!  Having a separate planner just for work, helps me stay organized and balanced in my life lol!  I take it with me on calls, and know when I open it up, my mind will be focused on work.. not squirrelin’ all over the place with things from home, fitness, and social activities!

 “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”   ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Half the fun of deciding to add a new planner to your line-up is CHOOSING a NEW one lol~  The color, the feel, the layouts inside!  Oh my!!  It’s like the excitement buying a new car.. but on a much smaller level lol!

The Oh Happy Day Spiral simply makes me happy, it has wonderful sticker storage, a great inside pocket for notes, receipts etc. along with a terrific lay-outs inside!

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.” 
― Peter F. Drucker

The preview pages in this spiral have so many creative possibilities as a work planner! 

You tailor it to fit your job!  Think of the areas in your job that you want to focus on each month

  • Short term goals
  • Long term goals
  • Co-worker birthday’s
  • Monthly webinars you need to watch
  • Projects you need to be working on
  • Month end Stats you’ll want to log

What’s always great about these preview pages is when you look back through them at the end of 6 months, you’ll have a well-rounded view of what’s been happening at work and where your focus has been.  You’ll have clear insight on what you’ve accomplished and where you may need to make changes!

In the monthly view for work, you’ll take the same steps as if it was your home planner, but with a work focus!

What’s important to have logged or planned out each month?

  • Meetings
  • Conference calls
  • Travel
  • Webinars
  • Co-workers Birthday’s
  • Projects
  • Work parties
  • Pay day’s

And don’t forget the side bar!  It’d be a great place to write a motivational quote or your top three goals for the month.  If you’re traveling, you could log your flight info here!

PHOTOS (1) Weekly set up guide
When setting up your weekly view, think of what you do in your business on a regular basis and tailor this weekly view to match your actions.

Do you make a lot of phone calls, that you need to keep track of names?

Do you need a place to log messages?

A place to log meetings and travel?

Do you need to log mileage?

Projects due?

Goal timelines?

Oh and did you notice the insert page I created for my weekly?  It’s a wonderful tool to use for extra note taking, goal writing, project planning and they’re so easy to create!  Simply run washi along the side of the paper covering up any current holes.  Then place the note paper next to your spirals… to mark each spiral space with a black dot.  Using a handheld punch make a hole about a 1/8 inch from the papers edge.  Then using a pair of scissors cut a small sliver from the edge of the page into each hole.  This is what each spiral will fit around to hold your note page in place!

Here’s another tip, be sure to make use of “Sticky notes”, they are your best friend when it comes to planning ahead!

You’ll have an entire year ahead of you in sticky notes, not in pen, that you can easily move around!   Because as …we …all …know.. LIFE HAPPENS! Lol!

 “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” 
Yogi Berra

Hope you enjoyed this blog post!

Would love to hear how this has inspired you to get creative on your own!

Until next time my friend!  Creative Blessings to YOU!

Oh, and be sure to subscribe to my You Tube Channel and Instagram account!  LINKS below!

Have a great day!

Laura Daniels