Planner Dashboards!

June 21 2019 – My Carpe Diem Admin

Planner Dashboards!
Planner Dashboards!

Hi Friends!

Mik here once again to talk about some beautiful and functional planner dashboards using the lovely Simple Vintage Botanicals collection.

Do you know about planner dashboards? You wouldn’t believe how many people still don’t know what those are yet or are unfamiliar with them.

When you get a planner boxed set, such as those on sale at the Carpe Diem store, it’ll come with multiple inserts ­– and a motivational dashboard at its front page. Yes! That first partition with the writing "Hello today" is what we call a planner dashboard.

There are many kinds of planner dashboards: motivational, inspirational, monthly, weekly, daily, fun, minimalist, financial, functional, it goes on.

I love making dashboards, so I decided to make a series showing you guys several types.

Today, on the first post of this series, I’m going to show you three of those: motivational, monthly and functional.

We start off with the motivational.  I took a 12”x12” paper and cut it the size of my A5 divider template. That’s how I made my dashboard’s base.

Then, I added a layered butterfly cut file, a little piece of tulle and a few stickers from the combo cardstock to finish it up

Opening my Clover A5 Planner and finding this dashboard fills one’s heart with joy. Doesn’t it?

Shall we now take a look at the monthly?  On this dashboard I chose an insert that you can find in all of Carpe Diem’s boxed set planners, and also in their weekly inserts.

To decorate it, I used some 4x6 stickers, washi tape and stickers from tabs sticker tablet as well.

The idea with this dashboard is noting down each month’s main highlights such as birthdays, anniversaries, motivational quotes and personal goals. It’s super easy, fun and practical. This way, you can take a quick glance at how your month’s going to be like even before you check the calendar. I love this dashboard!

Finally, today’s last dashboard is the functional.  Here I used a 12”x12” paper, cut it to 8¼”x11”, folded it at the middle and made what I call a flipbook dashboard.

I then glued it to make quick lists, cut a pocket to put on its side and decorated with combo cardstock stickers and…voilà! We have a super practical gorgeous functional dashboard. You’ll be able to make notes, store stickers, cards and everything that doesn’t fit your planner’s pockets on it.

If you already follow me on PaperMiks, you know that I love making dashboards by now. Besides making our planners beautiful, they help us be more objective in a fun, simple and joyful way.  I hope you’ve enjoyed it!

If you want to have any questions or to talk some more about planner dashboards, then check out my IG account

Have a nice weekend, everybody!