My Secret To Filling Blank Planner Pages!
June 19 2019 – My Carpe Diem Admin

Have you ever been down this road? Too many stickers? Too many options? And all you end up …with is a blank planner page staring up at you? lol!
Girl, have I got the .. answer …for YOU!
lol! Now I knew that would get your attention! Quick… go grab your favorite cup of coffee and join me as I show you how to start having fun planning again!
So, what’s my secret? The fabulous seasonal sticker book from Simple Stories. It comes with one sticker sheet for each month of the year! Making it so easy, to creatively decorate your planner!
With this one sticker page, I’m able to decorate my monthly “preview’ page and my full month view!
I promise you’ll absolutely love it! It literally takes all the stress out of trying to decide what you’ll use to decorate your month and preview with!
Now here’s the key… and it’s very important. You need to have a “plan” to follow each month when decorating that you don’t go down the rabbit hole of indecision… by making no decision at all. When you have a plan for decorating each month, it declutters the mind and helps things to flow more smoothly, especially when things get hectic.
Step one Choose your planner! I love using the Carpe Diem Spiral planner and there are several to choose from (linked below) You can also use your classic or personal size ring planner!
Step two decide what you want to use your monthly preview page for.
Here are some fun ideas……
That “one” Special Highlighted memory from the month
Special Events and celebrations you have planned
Your Goals for the month
Your Holiday or Birthday task/list
Your FUN Bucket list for the month
Make a plan ahead of time how you want to decorate this page and repeat this simple pattern each month as a part of your planning process!
Step Three is to decide what you want record on your monthly view
Here are some ideas
Travel days (use washi across the days)
Celebration events
Bills to pay
And as with the monthly preview page, make a plan ahead of time how you want to decorate on your monthly view. Repeat this simple pattern each month as a part of your planning process!
Be sure to subscribe to my you tube channel, because each month I’ll be sharing a monthly “plan with me” video where I’ll be showing you how I use the one sticker sheet to set up my preview page and monthly view!
Click here to subscribe:
Thanks for sharing some of your time with me again today! I’d love to hear what you thought of this post. Any question you may have, or thoughts on what inspired you!
Don’t forget to Come say hello on Instagram while you’re still here in cyber world
Hugs and Creative Blessings!!
Laura Daniels