October Daily!
September 20 2019 – Amber Crowell

Welcome to September my friends and the beginning of Fall! It’s one of my favorite seasons of the year, how bout’ you? Cool Crisp mornings! Color changes and everything cozy!
Today I’m going to talk about creating an October Daily! Now I’m sure the majority of you have heard of a “December Daily” right? A Memory album where you document every day of December in a special way.
“There is a time in the last few days of summer when the ripeness of autumn fills the air. “ ~Rudolfo Anaya
Since I love all things Fall I thought it would be fun to create an October Daily where every day I’ll document something special throughout the month of October!
I’ll begin with designing a cover for my TN using the Exquisite Autumn Splendor kit from Simple Stories! The colors are simply gorgeous and speak fully of the beauty of Autumn in all its splendor!
“Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night.” ~Hal Borland
Just inside the cover is the hello and welcome! It’s the front porch.. the entry way that paints a picture of what’s waiting on the inside of the TN. Don’t these rustic colors look so gorgeous together?
A fun idea is to begin your October Daily with your favorite poem of Fall. I’ve included several quotes in this blog post for you to use!
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus
So what do you document in an October Daily? Why everything Fall of course lol!
Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing
- A daily photograph of things you see, that speak to your heart of fall
- A daily blessing
- A diary entry with a photo
- A favorite poem
- An answered prayer
- A prayer lifted
- A bucket list for fall
- An item on your bucket list that you’ve been able to check off!
- A photo of an area in your house you’ve decorated for fall
- A drawing or photo of your favorite Fall beverage, or the written recipe!
- A drawing or photo of your favorite Fall soup, or the written recipe!
- A drawing or photo of your favorite Fall cookie, or the written recipe!
- A drawing or photo of your favorite Fall meal, or the written recipe!
- An entry from Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter, Bestie or Spouse.
- Fall Parties and get-togethers you host or attend
- Favorite Halloween Candy
- Favorite Fall coffee shops
- Your plans for Halloween costumes!
“By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer's best of weather and autumn's best of cheer.” ~Helen Hunt Jackson
In the end this October Daily should be a compilation of what speaks to your heart from October 1st through October 31st! Make it personally yours! Make it “true” to who you are, and all of fall that makes your heart sing!
Hope you enjoyed this blog post. Share in the comments below some of your ideas as to what could be some creative entries in your own October Daily!
Until next time! Hugs and Creative Blessings my friend!
Oh, and be sure to subscribe to my You Tube Channel and Instagram account!
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