December Bullet Journal
November 21 2018 – My Carpe Diem Admin

I fell in love with the Simple Stories "Merry & Bright" Collection the since I first saw it, I knew that I needed to use it to decorate my month of December. The "Bits & Pieces", "Chipboard" and "Puffy Stickers" are perfect for decorating the exterior cover.

The inside cover I have adorned with "washi tapes" and "Combo Sticker". I have made a pocket with a "4x6 Vertical Elements" card to store the "4x6 Stickers". Also I added lettering for the month.

Here are the collections I use every month, gratitude, habit tracker, menu (with a special page to write Christmas recipes) and night off to record series and movies.

I added a list of my favorite films to see at Christmas, so I did not miss seeing any of them.

Month view and week view to help me with the organization. I also want to use the rest of the notebook to make my Christmas diary, I think it can be very nice, you can see it on my instagram account.